Our Vision
The Dignified Pacific Initiative was established in 2018 by Dr. Kaitu’u ‘i Pangai Funaki to advance the development of sustainable societies in the Pacific region. At its heart is the philosophy of Gross National Generosity (GNG), which promotes the creation of sustainable relationships through the value of reciprocity.
The Pacific region is rich in both natural resources and traditional knowledge, but during the colonial and post-colonial eras the resources were exploited and the knowledge, forgotten, to the detriment of the Pacific and the global community.
Focusing its efforts on three areas: GNG, Sustainability, and traditional knowledge and values, the Initiative works through the three pillars of its knowledge-centric platform to revive the practices of generosity and reciprocity in society today, to rekindle relationships that are equally beneficial for all parties, and in so doing, to restore dignity and pride to the peoples of the Pacific.
The vision of the Dignified Pacific Initiative is to reshape the concepts of Global Development as Contributions through Gross National Generosity (GNG), a philosophy for a Dignified Pacific to Enrich the World
Our Mission
To identify the spheres that could be promoted to heighten the Dignity of Pacific Island Countries
To examine the foundation of changing self-perceptions to know what Pacific Island Countries can offer that the world needs
To trace how self-perceptions is transformed vis-a-vis engagements with advanced economies
Source: Funaki 2017 (PhD dissertation)
Transformations we hope to see
Our Methodology
Expected Impacts:
Promote Sustainable Development based on interdependence and balanced relationships between donor nations and recipient countries.
Promotes empowerment within recipient countries by recognizing the value of what they have in their possession to offer and allowing them to take pride in their significant contributions to global needs.
Lead to hard work in recipient countries by recouping dignity through transformation of self-perceptions.
Lead to better management of ODA funds in recipient countries, as ODA will not be perceived as charity, but rather as fully earned through their well-giving.
Encourage traditional donor nations to reconsider their ODA commitment effort of 0.7% GNI.
Encourage traditional donor nations to consider reshaping ODA concepts as a "contribution” toward dignified development and finding ways for nations to stay united even when foreign policies are self-interested.
Contribute to the future direction of global prosperity through development aspirations based on other’s interests. Source: Funaki 2017 (PhD dissertation)
Reconsidering of Key Concepts
Well being ⇨ Well giving
Give and take ⇨ Give, receive and Give back
Independent ⇨ Interdependent
Help you help yourself ⇨ Help you help others (help each other)
Exploitative relationship ⇨ Reciprocal relationship
Consumer ⇨ Contributor
Consumer-led education ⇨ Transformative capacity building
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